I am left with such a bad taste in my mouth after parting with my membership fee to the Labour Party, which I thought would allow me a vote in the leadership election, not a bit of it,  Because I then found out that I would have to part with another fee of £25.

Now correct me if I’m wrong , is not the principle in the labour party to allow everyone to be seen as equals, regardless of what they have in their bank account, because this extortion of £25 from members is unfair, because it may well preclude so many of the people it says it represents or profess to represent, for the unwaged and so many of us living on benefits of one sort or another,  maybe do not have £25 to their name, let alone a spare £25 .

My anger at being fleeced by people who no more understand the people it is supposed to represent, because by this action, prove that they have more in common with those people who have just sold BHS for a pound, what was his name ?, ah yes , ” Sir’ Philip Green” who then justified it by saying it was allowed, because he could under the rules and I’m sure many of us have been stung by similar practices, of paying for something only to be told that you must buy something else to be able to use the product; these practices are well-known  in the business world where the same type of characters do this time and again.

Well we have them in spades at the top of the Labour Party after all they were appointed by characters who knew a thing or two about shady practices .


I joined the Labour Party again

I am now renewing my  Membership of the Labour Party after many years of being in the doldrums politically, due to the way the Labour Party has developed over the years into just another part of the establishment, and living in fear to the  media Barons, so much so that I stopped voting,  because the difference between the Tories and “New Labour”, regarding policies,  that were no different .

But I believe that Jeremy Corbyn  will ignite the Labour vote, especially with the young voter , because after “Tony Blair” started a war illegally, and that was after so many  ordinary Labour voters  marched in London begging him to not start that war, especially as it was illegal and morally wrong to do so.                                                                                            But our voices were ignored and his arrogance has led to the Labour Party going into the doldrums, and respect for the Labour Party was in tatters, and you only need to look at the country that gave birth to the Labour Party, (Scotland) to see and hear just what was and is wrong with the stupidly named “New Labour Party” that resides only in the bubble in London, made in London but ignored by the “Real Labour Party and real Labour voters in the rest of the UK but especially the Labour voters in Scotland.

But those politicians that followed him  were his lemmings, but sadly these  lemmings were left behind and they are now causing so much problems for the Leader of the present day Labour Party  and I hope Jeremy Corbyn does not give in to their whining because Blair is still in the background stirring the pot.

Please Jeremy do not give in to their whining …or I will again become an absent voter.

Our Chickens are Coming Home.

`I Hate to say anything that may hurt the feelings of those who have lost loved ones, but it may be what is needed, for those that think that the pain that the French are going through, was not avoidable, are living in cloud cuckoo-land.

It does not take a genius to work out, where all this jumping up and down get’s us, it get’s us nothing but more pain, and those that jump the highest and speak in foghorn language, are never ever near the bullet’s or the bomb’s, they are only ever as near to the manufacturing of them as can be, and the worst of them are responsible for the making of them and the ordering of them.

So let us not listen to them, switch off the BBC and the CNN so we can mourn the failure of our political process, and learn to point the finger with more precision. For the dead are not even in the ground, when we are calling out to make more dead, as the vengeful raise their head the highest, but worse still, those that control the foghorns and bare much of the blame, are making up the  brew anew.

New thinking is needed, for it is we that are to blame, for deluding ourselves,  that the action we have taken up to now , stems from our compassion, respect for Humanity, and  the rule of law.  But if you do believe (and there are many) you do not deserve a vote, for stupidity is your middle name, “OR”  you are a stooge  and seek to get us to do your bidding, OR  AIPAC LOBBYIST, an Arms manufacturer, a friend of Israel, or you work for Murdoch and the Sun newspaper

Instead we must raise our hands and beg for forgiveness , for we should know better, our society is built on the respect for the law, and it does not end at Dover or John o groats, which it has been up to now, as we are giving carte blanche  to those that live in the dark  to decide , well I didn’t know that our ending of the death penalty, stopped at Dover.

We can not lecture anyone in the Middle East about  International law, or the respect for Human Right’s, for we are sending Drones to do our killing, and America point’s out Israel as a true Democracy, which is risible, and that Hypocrisy  Damn’s us to hell, along with America, and Israel.

We are to blame for all that is aflame all over the Middle East and it is now at our own doors, and Vengefulness will not do this time, for it is Christmass and we must remember not to pluck out both eyes, or to slap them on both cheeks, which we have allowed ourselves to be led into doing, which has led us to  this mess, by poisonous people, who manipulate us through the Media, our values and laws are founded on the principles of our love for our fellow man, and not allow ourselves to be led by those who care not a jot, for Christianity, but only how she can fool us into fighting her wars by proxy, and our stupidity in going down roads not of our making.

When is the Media going to admit their failure…In this dirty business of starting wars for gain

We  are at last getting the apology from Blair, but not from the other lot that Jumped up and down with him, and yes there are many in our Media that are even more to blame, for if the media are not in existence to pick over the reason or the reasons of going to war, just what are they there for, or more importantly what are they doing to guard us from the,” power crazy” that was plain to so many of the public at the time.   No the media were too busy kissing the arses of the crazy lot that kissed the Arse of Blair and Bush .

Many people knew, and I suspect just as many within the Media Business, were up to their elbows in starting the wars we now have going on around the Arab World, and all over the Muslim World  people fleeing to shores of the very people responsible for all their pain. So will the filthy rich people who made their wealth from the suffering of these people stand up and be counted, or will they Like Tony Blair, lick their wounds amongst all of their ill gotten gains.

So the Media must  admit to their part in all these wars, but if we expect an apology from them of their dereliction of duty, we will wait a long time, for at their door lies the bodies of many a woman and child, for if they had been as conscientious about doing their duty, as they were at getting into the social circle, and the coterie  of charlatans around Mandelson and Blair;  No’  they were seduced by the very people, that they were there to protect us from, by warning us of the goings on within the Knitting circle that Mandelson inhabited, or the power crazy antics within Blair’s immediate circle, No’ by a long way our Media were, and are a significant part of the problem.


My postal vote is Here….What to Do

Listening to Radio 4’s ” Woman’s Hour ”   is still the same old women thing, blame everything on  men, and I remembered  some “Feminist”  saying that women should be given free tampon’s  at the time I laughed at the thought, she said that women had to pay for “Tampon’s” and  said that it was unfair as men did not menstruate so “Tampons” should be free to all women, following her logic then men should be given a” free ” “Shaving Kit”  as it was not fair as women did not shave, I shouted at my radio at the time.

But it’s that time again,(where our own personal wishes are pandered to by the parties) where you have to think about politics’ and who to vote for and it’s still the same old selfish politics and each party is sounding off on what they will do if given office.

As politics is a choice of what mind-set  you come from ,  so supposedly  if you are off the  working-classes, then you should vote Labour…or so the idea goes, you can’t possibly vote for the Tories, and sadly that’s the case with me, even if I did not like our Leader  (and I’m not saying I don’t like ED Milliband ) and so’… I guess I’ll pop my vote in the post, but I do hate the choices I have before me.

I’m bound to vote on my mind-set about fairness and who is it that is  fair in their political belief ,and in how they can deliver it to those who are the most in need of  protection  from this mad, mad, race to be the greediest in the world, as is the case in all Western Democracies, in the’, everyone for him or herself society we’ve built.

Sadly none of this lot has the balls to do what the world needs, (or at least  in our little Island) for I believe there is no such thing as Democracy, or at least what the Athenian model meant as a Democracy.

No’  there has to be another way, there has to be a way, where a true sharing of this world’s resources, is acceptable to all peoples, and not this society where we work to live, and live to work. No’ we must find a way where we can share…and want to share…which is the most important point.

When you have so much money that you can never ever spend it,(recent reports about the amount of Billionaires and millionaires in the uk , and the doubling in income of the top ten percent, while the majority got poorer, must be seen as obscene )  that must surely be seen as a symptom of what is wrong with the way we are doing things at the moment.                                                                                                                                                           Trickle down economics Do not work, Mr Milliband, Very few ever give their wealth away, and certainly not those who have most of the worlds wealth tucked up in some Bank  in some far off Island…please remember that Mr Milliband.

Who will I vote for ???

I will vote for you Ed …..IF ?

  • Mr Milliband, I will vote for you, if you, Promise to never talk to Netanyahu, nor allow yourself to be persuaded to Bomb, by proxy, anything that Israel or America  asks you to do, and we can avoid another Iraq.
  • To promise to publish the Chilcott enquiry in full.
  • To promise to try and bring sanctions out against Israel, till she obeys all the UN rules and obeys all international laws, and allows Inspection of her Nuclear facilities, and for her  “war criminals” to answer in the Hague for Human right’s abuses committed since the stetting up of the state of Israel.
  • To start an enquiry into the financial shenanigans of Tony Blair in the Middle East since leaving office.

Well Mr Milliband , I realise that as a life-long Labour voter, that these conditions will not be met, because there is no will in the Labour party for these things anymore,You know Justice, and ending Apartheid states are a thing of the past, as it is with you now I’m watching how the Blairites are over managing you, and substance is another thing that’s lost in the change, you know this thing of the past like the “Iraq war” are still in the minds of people like me and it’s so disheartening to watch those people who took us in to an illegal war and lied and lied time and again, in parliament it was the same lies and lies, so I’m afraid I’m going to do the unselfish thing (because that’s how Democracy has become me me me) and to vote  on my principles about Justice (because I’m loosing money every month from the Tory’s spiteful  bedroom tax, and you said you’d abandon it ) for those with none, and defending the poor from the rich who are getting richer and richer.

You are in no position to change the things that matter, for there are too many Lobbying powers who’s voice will be louder than people like me and people like the Blairites will make sure they get richer as that’s how I see this election, you were once a true Labour person, (or you sounded real Labour) only to be hoodwinked by Mandy,  Blair and Campbell again, and I will never ever vote for that lot who have blood on their hands from the Iraqi war and their dodgy Dossiers full of lies to the British people…shame on you…shame on the Labour Party…shame on the Luvvies who have taken over the labour party again.


I listened to Ed Milliband today on my radio and he is at last getting it right, his tone is not Tony B-liar anymore, (or he’s not sounding like he’s just been coached by him anymore) and that is no good thing, considering all his dodgy middle east messianic sounding twaddle, that will be seen for what it is,(twaddle, that makes more money for him) and coming out during the Election,  can only hurt Labour and ED  where it hurts most.

But it’s really great  hearing that the dreadfully unfair Bedroom Tax will go ,and reminding the electorate of the profiteering going on  in the Health service is a scandal, but it also must be said that they can only be getting this profit by cutting the wage bill of the people who are on the floor , like the nursing staff and the cleaners.

But I think more should be said of just what it is doing to the perception of why the British people are so proud of our NHS, and that  it is there for us all equally , and placing into the minds of the British people the idea that we can look at how we care for our people matters more than in £’s and pence, rather than providing  a great Health Service, Peopled by the funders and  the users of that service… regardless of cost .

Cost must matter, but only in the sense that we get a better service for the money spent, and it mustn’t be at the cost to the value we place on  providing that service… to us all .

The Line must be protected, and we must shout louder about how our NHS is not for sale, at any price, and that profit is a dirty word where our health is concerned, and we must be prouder of that Value, , and place a wide difference between the Labour Party,and the Tory Party, and not be frightened to say Profit is a dirty word, where the NHS is concerned…it is OK to say that Ed…please say it louder.


I have been watching Ed lately and have noticed how he has changed in regards how he performs, and I think he’s had the Blair treatment, for he comes over all Blair-like in how he talks now, but do we want to be reminded of B-liar, and how he fooled us all with his over-managed personality cult thing , and how he surrounded himself with fawning acolytes.

I would prefer the less managed Ed, because to think that you have brought in that team to over-haul your  image for the Election, only reminds me so much of what went wrong , you know the Dancing around individuals who were only there for the power, who think that image is more important than substance, that the sound-bite is all ,that Headlines are the thing, and control freakery is good, and yes greed can be good too’oo, em…sorry about that.

We really should not pander to these people it’s just’  too sore a point , and that point reminds  us all about dodgy dossers, and pressurising people into doing things they did not agree with, should be a thing of the past…surely.
Ed I thought you were better than that, and if I can see it, (an ordinary voter) then other voters will be reminded, as your Tony B-liar personality thing, will be sent up (as it surely will) I am sure that it will come up as the Election frenzy comes to it’s rough and tumble end.

So please stop that hand thing, and the Pinteresque pauses are rather tiring, especially when the B-liar image hit’s the spot in the brain that reminds us of something that stick’s to the bottom of your shoe, like chewing gum or dog-poo, or Mandy.

There is nothing wrong with your Image Ed, please stop this image thing and stick to the “Nasty Party” within the Tory Party, that Cameron can’t control, and what’s  wrong with reminding us of your sense of Decency, that reminding people that everything that was great in Britain was set up by the Labour Party, that the services (that they sold-off for a song) are now far worse, that the Banks are at it again, that the chairmen and women of the top companies, are still finding ways to award themselves massive pay deals, while at the bottom where the workers are suffering and shouldering most, ‘ if not  all, of the supposed  Debt’s repayment’s , and suffer from  “ALL”  the cut’s in the services.

IF they hark on about the Debt, then we should say that we will  ring-fence a small raising of income tax for a while until the debts are paid. then reduced  back once we are in the clear again, I do not believe the figures myself, but if the Tories shout about it too much, then my simple economic suggestion should be brought in, but I still think more of this suffering is mostly suffered by the least likely to manage, than those who could manage more, who are getting a reduction in their taxes.


Well there has been a lot written about the mansion tax, from every which way, and I can’t add much more to it than what has already been written.

But on my radio today I heard some Chappie pounding on about just how unfair it is, and in the next breath he was almost giving advice to how the people who it might affect can find ways around it ,and a Lady  saying just how unfair it is to those who may be assets rich but money poor.  Well come on, isn’t that the way they have conspired it to be with their highly paid accountants and ludicrously  highly paid lawyers , both conspiring to get out of paying Tax in any form and they make sure  their finances are  made out  to look  like they are not as rich as they actually are.

I’m fed up of hearing those types, either threatening to move to other countries with their Bankers and lawyers, or that their businesses will go under, or  that they will move lock stock and barrel to another country, just to avoid paying their dues.

Well for Christ’s sake they don’t own that money in the first place, because they forget that  when people pay for goods n services and other things, that  there is a price added to the goods because worked into the pricing is always the knowledge that goods are priced knowing very well that tax will be paid and every time the tax goes up the businessman adds the cost of the tax (and a little for him or herself ) on to the price of the goods, so by rights it’s not their money, it’s the money of the tax man.   It’s the same with wages, people look at the tax they have paid and then start shouting, but conveniently forget that wages goes up every time there is a tax increase, or very nearly always.

But back to the “Mansion Tax” and I’m afraid I agree with Ed Miliband and his front bench colleagues , for the Bedroom tax was one of the most vicious attacks on the poorest people in the country and so many people have suffered in this terrible vindictive Tory Tax, and it showed that they are still the “Nasty Party” at heart, as the Bedroom Tax was really meant as a vindictive Kick at the poorest.

But  there are  miles of differences from taxing someone for having a spare room, and taxing someone for living in a Mansion-like  home, with god knows how many empty bedrooms there are in these “Mansions” and their second and third homes that will never ever have been slept in, so I say to that lady and gentleman, that you can rent out your spare rooms in your Mansions if your stuck for cash, as that’s what was told to me as I enquired about the added cost to my rent in my disabled flat, rent out your spare room mate ,came the reply from my local council. So I speak with first hand knowledge in this matter, and I pray that the Labour Party will do away with this terrible Tax as it hurts the disabled the most, and so many other people have been slung out for arrears, because finding an extra £140 a month is almost impossible, as who wants to move out of their homes (especially if they are very happy in their homes) Because people will want to stay in their home at all cost’s  and  having a spare room is not a luxury , and to all those Labour councils who  raised the prices so  quickly without a murmur of dissent or support for the poorest and vulnerable that it might affect I SAY TO THEM “SHAME ON YOU”,  my own  council is very good, but even they were so quick in making sure that the Tax was levied promptly.

No in fact I would go further in that I would add second  and third homes, and I would put a cap on rents  Mr Miliband, so that people could afford to save for their deposit on their first home.