I joined the Labour Party again

I am now renewing my  Membership of the Labour Party after many years of being in the doldrums politically, due to the way the Labour Party has developed over the years into just another part of the establishment, and living in fear to the  media Barons, so much so that I stopped voting,  because the difference between the Tories and “New Labour”, regarding policies,  that were no different .

But I believe that Jeremy Corbyn  will ignite the Labour vote, especially with the young voter , because after “Tony Blair” started a war illegally, and that was after so many  ordinary Labour voters  marched in London begging him to not start that war, especially as it was illegal and morally wrong to do so.                                                                                            But our voices were ignored and his arrogance has led to the Labour Party going into the doldrums, and respect for the Labour Party was in tatters, and you only need to look at the country that gave birth to the Labour Party, (Scotland) to see and hear just what was and is wrong with the stupidly named “New Labour Party” that resides only in the bubble in London, made in London but ignored by the “Real Labour Party and real Labour voters in the rest of the UK but especially the Labour voters in Scotland.

But those politicians that followed him  were his lemmings, but sadly these  lemmings were left behind and they are now causing so much problems for the Leader of the present day Labour Party  and I hope Jeremy Corbyn does not give in to their whining because Blair is still in the background stirring the pot.

Please Jeremy do not give in to their whining …or I will again become an absent voter.

Our Chickens are Coming Home.

`I Hate to say anything that may hurt the feelings of those who have lost loved ones, but it may be what is needed, for those that think that the pain that the French are going through, was not avoidable, are living in cloud cuckoo-land.

It does not take a genius to work out, where all this jumping up and down get’s us, it get’s us nothing but more pain, and those that jump the highest and speak in foghorn language, are never ever near the bullet’s or the bomb’s, they are only ever as near to the manufacturing of them as can be, and the worst of them are responsible for the making of them and the ordering of them.

So let us not listen to them, switch off the BBC and the CNN so we can mourn the failure of our political process, and learn to point the finger with more precision. For the dead are not even in the ground, when we are calling out to make more dead, as the vengeful raise their head the highest, but worse still, those that control the foghorns and bare much of the blame, are making up the  brew anew.

New thinking is needed, for it is we that are to blame, for deluding ourselves,  that the action we have taken up to now , stems from our compassion, respect for Humanity, and  the rule of law.  But if you do believe (and there are many) you do not deserve a vote, for stupidity is your middle name, “OR”  you are a stooge  and seek to get us to do your bidding, OR  AIPAC LOBBYIST, an Arms manufacturer, a friend of Israel, or you work for Murdoch and the Sun newspaper

Instead we must raise our hands and beg for forgiveness , for we should know better, our society is built on the respect for the law, and it does not end at Dover or John o groats, which it has been up to now, as we are giving carte blanche  to those that live in the dark  to decide , well I didn’t know that our ending of the death penalty, stopped at Dover.

We can not lecture anyone in the Middle East about  International law, or the respect for Human Right’s, for we are sending Drones to do our killing, and America point’s out Israel as a true Democracy, which is risible, and that Hypocrisy  Damn’s us to hell, along with America, and Israel.

We are to blame for all that is aflame all over the Middle East and it is now at our own doors, and Vengefulness will not do this time, for it is Christmass and we must remember not to pluck out both eyes, or to slap them on both cheeks, which we have allowed ourselves to be led into doing, which has led us to  this mess, by poisonous people, who manipulate us through the Media, our values and laws are founded on the principles of our love for our fellow man, and not allow ourselves to be led by those who care not a jot, for Christianity, but only how she can fool us into fighting her wars by proxy, and our stupidity in going down roads not of our making.


Please don’t think I dislike Americans, but come on , When a…Right Wing War Criminal…can saunter in to its Congress building and makes a speech, just to insult the President(I think it’s a knocking bet),  ( by his presence alone he  insults so many people, including the President, who are all  working so hard for a peace process)    (never mind Israel’s  past, in the murdering of so many American servicemen and women, and the much spying it does in, and on America, year on year) For when Bibi  Netanyahu swaggers into such a place, He holds two fingers up to the world, not to mention his insults to all of the ICC countries,   (many countries in Europe have arrest warrants waiting his arrival ) if  he ever does, ‘that is,  because, he can’t  come to London without assurances of diplomatic  immunity (from our stupid Hypocritical gov’t) nor  any of the…War Criminal Generals…  who ordered the dropping of these phosphorus Bombs, not forgetting so many other crimes, you see’  Israel never fights on the ground (when they do they get their ass kicked) no these brave men get others to do their dirty deeds, Hence the speech to congress, in trying to stop another country exercising its Democratic right.

It couldn’t be that Israel has committed so many crimes in the Middle East, that it is quite rightly in fear of her neighbours, due to her very  own behaviour in her treatment of all thing’s Arab  and Arab lands, and so many other thing’s Hidden from and by the Media, and of course Her own Hypocrisy of owning Nuclear Weapons, not to mention all the other evil weaponry in the Biological field Hidden by her friends and Owners in

the International Media, who consistently refuse to investigate Israeli  biological weaponry, and all the other nasty weapons that all civilized countries have signed up to ending , But Israel with confidence feels she can do anything she damn well pleases ,after all she has “The Congress”  in her pocket’s, or “She Owns So Many Of Them Outright,  For I do not believe so many men can be so stupid, but then again they have so very little to fear from the American media,  after all, they inhabit the same puddle.


Jeeze’ but it is a good day, something to behold, Politicians actually  listening to it’s people and voting (and standing up to such financial pressure, from the Zionist and  Jewish Lobbying powers) to send a real message to Israel and the “war criminal “NETANYAHU” and his equally guilty  cabinet“… Israel! … Palestine is a fact… live with it  and “Get Out Of It”

I know it’s just a little victory, but the Palestinian people need to hear that we in the UK at least,  are trying to do what cowardly politicians in America wont do , and that is sending a real message to Israel.

I know Palestinian people get little victories and usually can only expect to hear platitudes from Western Politicians, but now’ at least, can know that on the streets of London we can deliver small victories to them and give them some hope that the Zionist’s don’t win all the time. and for myself that all the marching on the streets can pay off.

That said’  it is up to the American people to further this campaign, by doing what  “we the people” did  by marching and pestering the hell out of the political elite, and make them listen to the injustices heaped on to the Palestinians year on year decade after decade, and make it so difficult for AIPAC,’ BECAUSE ACTUAL PEOPLE PRESSURE CAN MAKE THOSE WEESELY POLITICIANS DO WHAT WE ELECT THEM TO DO.