I thought the British people were sensible, I thought we were comfortably settled into Europe, and I thought that there was no chance that we would vote to leave- sadly on all three I was wrong… very wrong indeed.

So those of us who voted to remain are dragged backwards into an environment that harks back to the days of Nationalism and the Empire, don’t these people know  how we will be seen by our neighbours… as a sad old lady dying her hair and resorting to Botox and we all know how that looks in daylight.

Now we must really give our attention to the people who now say they are going to lead us; in the past I never looked past the loony label when thinking  of UKIP , I thought they were just the BNP  in drag , who some old duffer was funding and running,  and who was on the run from the Conservative party.

But  “Now” they must be defrocked  of respectability, driven into the cold light of day, like we look at a second hand car , once we’ve got it home and away from the seller.

So what have we got? well let’s look at their policies, they have none, apart from pointing fingers at the dispossessed  and the vulnerable, they have said nothing.

They blame everyone, they hate foreigners, they want our country back, they want our borders back, just who do they think they are taking them back from?  Scotland will most certainly run another referendum and then the UK will be no more, for Scotland will most certainly vote to leave this Botoxed harridan that England has now become.

We can not go backwards,  the Human Condition is that we  change,  go forward and multiply, but hopefully the “Nasty Party” will be seen for what they are because I do not believe that common sense will not prevail and that we will find a way around this stupidity…once the conservative party has settled it’s old scores within it’s ranks.




Dinner party liberals, and suitcase politicians.

I watch so many of yesterdays movers and shakers in the Labour Party with interest, you know those who were more interested in the top table ,  their climbing up the greasy pole to get power and access to areas where all the things they want are kept . They were never really interested in changing the status-quo or to redistribute Britain’s ill-gotten gains where they can alleviate some of the terrible sufferings that this life can bring to so many .

You see Blair was first and foremost a Lawyer, from the elite side of Edinburgh  So he fitted in rather well in Islington, and of course it was so near the city, so he was off to a head start  when he was elected  leader of the Labour party.  Therein lies the problem of politics in the UK, because if there is anything that has corrupted politics it is a conjoining of the moneyed class and the legal profession. The  political process is set up to represent these two groups, and you only need to look at what most of our politicians(especially at the top-table of  the movers and shakers) did before they came into politics.

So Jeremy Corbyn is in an almost impossible position to try and claw back the thing’s that  Blair and Brown  took from the Labour party, because the other most important element in our politics is the Media, and where is most of our Media situated, that’s right, almost in between the City and Islington…in London .

So if we are to  try and make our politics more representative of the population as a whole, then it is imperative that Jeremy Corbyn  is left alone by our ever so fair Media, at least till he has gotten his feet under the table, it’s what the unwritten rule for the Media used to be, it was to lay off a newly elected leader for a certain amount of time.

But the opposite was true when Jeremy Corbyn was elected, almost to a man and woman working in the Media, they  turned on Jeremy, and that is a sad reflection on our Media  and of course our politics  today, because it wasn’t because of his left-wing politics (as they would like most of us to think) No it was because of his stance on Israel, and his support of the Palestinians, because it is the issue that dare not speak it’s name, and where so much bile lurks, and because of the weaponising of the term Anti-Semitism, by our Israeli friends working and controlling the media, so many people who really should know better, are taken in by such torpedo terms.

So How can he make sure that he’s heard in the places needed to claw back those voters who have fallen into a trance, about whatever the accountants and bank managers tell them, and why we must buckle down and pay off our,.. but mostly “their” debts, and those I’m talking about have hidden so much, and prevaricated about everything till the headlines moved on, and they have now crept back.   The city is in fact run by spiv’s and Bankers, or is it Bankers and spiv’s. Bankers who were as much involved as the spiv’s when it came to sticking their hand into the cookie jar, and most of them have got off scot-free, and most of them are still in there doing the same thing as before .

So this debt they keep yapping about, is it our fault, I think not, But it is being used to control us at the ballot box, as if everything in this life that matters most, is in  £’s Shilling’s and Pence.

I think what matters most is to become a better society a more equal society where the worlds resources are not controlled by oligarch’s , or some  Billionaire, who own thing’s that really shouldn’t be owned  or controlled by any one person, or even any one country for that matter.

There has to be a better way to run our Democracy, for we can’t vote out those in control of the levers, for politics has become a profession where men and women will move to wherever they can get into power, they Do a Winston Churchill,(who was a Rothschild entity, who took many a shilling from many a billionaire) and will shift and change any of their views that hinders them getting attention and access to power.  Mandy, sorry “Lord” Mandelson,( Jeeze don’t you just love them) “Lord… indeed,  is a case in point, where carousing on Billionaires  Yachts was the thing to do, oddly enough Churchill did the same thing, and we all know who controlled his levers.

The other Lord, em this one called Levy,” Lord Levy”, was the paymaster General of the labour party, where Blair derived his funding,(pushing out the Unions) and some would say pushed his levers, and Lord Levy, was too close to many in the Media, and of course Mossad…now where did Blair go once he was evicted? enough said.

Injustice breeds dissent,  look around and think, think where the worst injustices take place and how such injustices breed and how it spreads, and spreads out, where  in the end it infects nearly everything around it; That is where the ordinary voice can make a difference, because with such Injustice so blatantly meted out, shows that  we all have a common goal to get around, and in so doing, we can think just what it is that is wrong, and though they have the levers; We have each other, and if we shout in unison we must be heard.

Yes that may sound trite, but the levers of power are always in the hands of the same people , the politicians may be voted out, but those brought before us will be carefully vetted, that no matter who we vote for, the outcome will be the same. The injustices of this system will continue;  Just Look at how the holders of this power are in fear of Jeremy Corbyn, Why ? it is because they will not have control of him, because he speaks his mind and does not like the injustice that this system brings , just research  the headlines,  look where ? and who is writing them, look at the words used, have they changed since he was elected, are they said in unison ?  by certain quarters? by certain journalist’s? by certain newspapers ? and if the answer to all of these is yes, then there is a  conspiracy that seeks to influence , and this influence is wrong and it is unaccountable and it has bred injustice into our system to such an extent that all the most important decisions for our country are done round the dinner table of the Rothschild’s, or on some Island, or on some billionaires yacht, for they all get together and wars are started  sometimes on the whim of a couple of people who may be stuffing , or tanning their faces on some billionaires yacht, and our prime ministers are helicoptered in to be told what to do and what policies they should follow to further their own goals .

So I hope when the Helicopter of the Murdoch’s arrive , Jeremy Corbyn  will not get on board after all that’s what Tony B-liar did, and lo and behold the Murdoch press got behind Him. But just look where it took him,  and  where B-liar dragged the principles of Labour Party and dumped them all at the feet of the Media Barons.

So I do hope that the parliamentary Labour Party stops worrying about themselves, or get out and allow those in who will not pander to a few old men in shawls,and just because of a few old dirty tricks used by the Media and their paymasters.


Our Chickens are Coming Home.

`I Hate to say anything that may hurt the feelings of those who have lost loved ones, but it may be what is needed, for those that think that the pain that the French are going through, was not avoidable, are living in cloud cuckoo-land.

It does not take a genius to work out, where all this jumping up and down get’s us, it get’s us nothing but more pain, and those that jump the highest and speak in foghorn language, are never ever near the bullet’s or the bomb’s, they are only ever as near to the manufacturing of them as can be, and the worst of them are responsible for the making of them and the ordering of them.

So let us not listen to them, switch off the BBC and the CNN so we can mourn the failure of our political process, and learn to point the finger with more precision. For the dead are not even in the ground, when we are calling out to make more dead, as the vengeful raise their head the highest, but worse still, those that control the foghorns and bare much of the blame, are making up the  brew anew.

New thinking is needed, for it is we that are to blame, for deluding ourselves,  that the action we have taken up to now , stems from our compassion, respect for Humanity, and  the rule of law.  But if you do believe (and there are many) you do not deserve a vote, for stupidity is your middle name, “OR”  you are a stooge  and seek to get us to do your bidding, OR  AIPAC LOBBYIST, an Arms manufacturer, a friend of Israel, or you work for Murdoch and the Sun newspaper

Instead we must raise our hands and beg for forgiveness , for we should know better, our society is built on the respect for the law, and it does not end at Dover or John o groats, which it has been up to now, as we are giving carte blanche  to those that live in the dark  to decide , well I didn’t know that our ending of the death penalty, stopped at Dover.

We can not lecture anyone in the Middle East about  International law, or the respect for Human Right’s, for we are sending Drones to do our killing, and America point’s out Israel as a true Democracy, which is risible, and that Hypocrisy  Damn’s us to hell, along with America, and Israel.

We are to blame for all that is aflame all over the Middle East and it is now at our own doors, and Vengefulness will not do this time, for it is Christmass and we must remember not to pluck out both eyes, or to slap them on both cheeks, which we have allowed ourselves to be led into doing, which has led us to  this mess, by poisonous people, who manipulate us through the Media, our values and laws are founded on the principles of our love for our fellow man, and not allow ourselves to be led by those who care not a jot, for Christianity, but only how she can fool us into fighting her wars by proxy, and our stupidity in going down roads not of our making.

When is the Media going to admit their failure…In this dirty business of starting wars for gain

We  are at last getting the apology from Blair, but not from the other lot that Jumped up and down with him, and yes there are many in our Media that are even more to blame, for if the media are not in existence to pick over the reason or the reasons of going to war, just what are they there for, or more importantly what are they doing to guard us from the,” power crazy” that was plain to so many of the public at the time.   No the media were too busy kissing the arses of the crazy lot that kissed the Arse of Blair and Bush .

Many people knew, and I suspect just as many within the Media Business, were up to their elbows in starting the wars we now have going on around the Arab World, and all over the Muslim World  people fleeing to shores of the very people responsible for all their pain. So will the filthy rich people who made their wealth from the suffering of these people stand up and be counted, or will they Like Tony Blair, lick their wounds amongst all of their ill gotten gains.

So the Media must  admit to their part in all these wars, but if we expect an apology from them of their dereliction of duty, we will wait a long time, for at their door lies the bodies of many a woman and child, for if they had been as conscientious about doing their duty, as they were at getting into the social circle, and the coterie  of charlatans around Mandelson and Blair;  No’  they were seduced by the very people, that they were there to protect us from, by warning us of the goings on within the Knitting circle that Mandelson inhabited, or the power crazy antics within Blair’s immediate circle, No’ by a long way our Media were, and are a significant part of the problem.



I feel I can not let this other most recent Nato  War Crime go by, without expressing my Bloody anger at this(again) dropping bombs purposely on to a civilian hospital…in the hope…that it takes out…some Taliban insurgent’s; was the sickening meaning of the statement, by some US General, when asked to comment on the Bombing of Medicins sans Frontieres Hospital.

This is the usual type of nonsense  that the Americans have learnt from the Israeli military when they too have been caught at it, the at it, being that the decision about what targets they hope to get if they decide to go ahead with their bombing, and the most callous thinking process involved with that order of ,”Go Ahead” meaning the outcome would be worth it in the end, and MSF is in no doubt their Hospital was well known and every military group possible knew the location of this hospital, and especially the Nato led force was certain to know all about this hospital .

Nato victim 2untitled Nato victim1  These were  just two of the child victims from Nato’s  last error …. on their dropping bombs on a Hospital in Afghanistan, and lo and behold they do it again, and we are left with the usual lies and accusations  blaming the terrorist’s, and I am one of many, who will have no faith in any investigation run by the same group who actually dropped the bombs,        But Just when on earth are we going to stop this sort of thing going on in a war zone, where hospitals are clearly marked,  Generals and officers know all the  coordinates in their war zones, and should not get away with the usual excuses, that there was shooting coming from within the compound or hospital, and on investigation all witnesses from within the  hospital say that there were no insurgents shooting from inside the hospital or compound, at the time of the first bomb dropping.

This is unacceptable NATO and there must be more than a Bloody apology from those responsible.


7/11/2015, PS…As to proof to what I said on the 5/10/2015 , I add this link This is a link and I thank the Real News Network, for the link, and I do hope other people on watching this ,will think how good it is to have a decent news network that tells the truth and has nobody telling them what stories to cover from a monetary point of view, but only their own sense of decency acting on all cylinders.                                                                                                  .

A personal point of view about our NHS.

To Do No Harm. I do not know the exact oath a Doctor takes when first they become a Doctor,  to do no Harm is in there somewhere. To not assault your patient, is also a given, also, to not humiliate your patient, must be up there somewhere. But we all know  Doctors are Decent human beings,  they have ethics , regarding  how they should treat their patients,…Don’t We ?   Ah but sadly …Doctors…come from the Human Race…and they have the same flaws as us all, and that’s why there should be an oversight committee(A PROPER COMMITTEE),, and that committee, should be made up  (no quangos getting large sums of money and placement post’s for political favours from supporters of what-ever  political party is in power) the general public living in the area of the  hospital in question, and must be changed on a regular basis.                                                          The NHS is for everyone, and must be seen to be , and must remain free off private money, and never for profit , must be at the heart of that  policy, and this philosophy renewed regularly, by making sure  it remains at the heart of the NHS and we do this by driving out, ” The for profit people”…who are rubbing their hands at the possibilities, and creaming off a lot of the easy stuff.              Once profit margins are in the minds of  the managers and  Health Trusts Board, where in the offices of these trusts, staff start dealing with money and prices of treatment.                                                   With money, comes so many other things, like profit’s, and rewards,, and later still, comes pay off”s . where  there must be a filtering out of certain groups, who “COST TOO MUCH” and this is quite clearly going on, and is clearly at the heart of some of  these managers and decision makers minds.                                                                                                                But There are some Trust’s where some patients are seen as not worth the cost’s of their treatment, and I suggest, that, that’  filters down and into a policy in the managers minds, and although it might not be an open and public policy, but I know for certain that there is an unwritten point of view in some quarters, where some groups can and are side-lined into the long grass, for no more of a reason, other than  they may be different, and may have mental health problems, and some believe that these types are not very important .                                                 I thought that treating people as they come, was at the heart of our NHS  when patients first  ask for their help,  even if it’s just a place to keep warm, or where some people may be at the end of their tether and seek comfort in one way or another.                                                                                                                                     Nurses and Doctors must be seen first and foremost, as healers, and  healing comes in many forms, surely, and should never  have to  be constantly looking over their shoulder, because they are healing in ways that are seen as a waste of money, for this places too much of a burden on them,  because of their being human too, and prone to whatever prejudice is doing the rounds in the “Sun” or the “Daily Mail  at any one time.                                                                                                                                                                                                            I know this may sound difficult…could be seen as caring too much…God forbid…that Doctors don’t care, ‘surely not, but what if I said, that patients are being assaulted , that I know of two or three Doctors that should never have been let in the front door; That these guy’s have become so arrogant  that they do not even give the patient the time of day, and are too busy sneering  at having to treat the OIK’S,  It may just be that they are earning too much in their private practices and only work in the NHS out of shame, after all they have the title of being called a Doctor.                                                                                                       This sneering, is not just from some Doctors,  No’   Some Nurses, are just as guilty,  after all, they do take the lead from their superiors, this lead comes from the same lot of Doctors who are given to sneering themselves.                                                                                                                                                            I also know that there must be doctors working in these hospitals, that  know’ exactly who and what I am talking about , there was one Korean doctor(I know from a personal point of view, from my personal experience at  his  hands) who treated patients like they were a nuisance and who were only there for what they could get, that attitude is sadly too common amongst the elite in our NHS. This elite who themselves syphon off so much of the much needed resources , Some consultants cost something like £10025 per day, according to some report I read in the Sunday Times (I think it was)recently,  agencies take their cut…but still… these fees are just too greedy, because we as patients, and I suspect , there are many Trust’s and gov’t agencies, where they to, are at the mercy of these overly powerful  consultant’s….So they’ too, have to pay… through the nose…no pun intended.                                                                     When first it was set up, we the people of Britain decided, that the majority of the population were getting very little care from what Doctors there were in Britain, at that time, so a deal was struck with them, to allow them to practice, privately, if they worked for the NHS .                                                                              This is being abused, to such a degree, that trust’s are having  to do deals with the Devil,  the Devil is (for our NHS)  these agencies, who are dominating so much now, and the over-worked  trust staff resort too much to these agencies, we could put a stop to it,  by giving the nurses better wages,  reducing  consultant’s pay,  so many nurses, are better than some  of the doctors, so lets get back to treating and seeing them the way we always did, but, only give them a better pay packet and also re-hire older staff , and finally let them know that we as patient’s place such a value on them by rewarding them for it, after all the bloody bankers get rewards for turning up on time, so let us match our respect for them (the nursing staff) by also rewarding them financially, and then the quality of the staff will get better (I hope). But we must remember that the NHS came out of an enlightened men and women awakening to the injustices that were going on, and the war made it far more obvious, that we were good enough to Die fighting for this country, but we were never too good enough to be treated in Harley street, only in some charitable hospital, if some decent Doctor was willing to treat the poor, the same poor men who were dying , and who were left in some field in some far off place, and those who came home traumatized, but were savvy enough to show the Establishment that enough was enough, and the greatest way of doing this was to give them the same access to medical treatment as those who were traipsing off to Harley street to be treated by the best Doctors money could buy . So was born the NHS TO GIVE THE SAME TREATMENT TO ALL, REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU HAD IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. Is this still the case?…because when it came into being …there was a…”First Class”… “Second Class” and a… “Third Class”, in most public places, society lived by these  principles, but in the new’…NHS…there were…NO! CLASSES. Do you think there is still a classless NHS ? as you use it, you can see quite clearly that you get a “First Class” treatment from a “First Class” people. But there are a few bad apples that can’t get Harley street out of their minds when they stagger over into the NHS again, this dealing with those who  don’t wear, eau de cologne , is really a bit of a nuisance, old boy. (sorry could not resist that), but these people do still stagger into the NHS when it suits them, earn a bundle and stagger back to Harley street, or some other private clinic with far to comfortable waiting rooms.                                                    When first you seek to see the NHS with a Business eye, then the NHS becomes no different than a Business, and with all business’s there are certain principles about profit and what is not so profitable, then by definition, there will be seen, at least on paper,  values you place on each patient  and to just see them in these categories, categories  that fall into line about worth, who is worth treating, and who is not “Worth” treating.. purely in financial terms…some groups…must be seen as worthless when decisions are made about cost’s of treatment , then clinical decisions ,”Must” be influenced in varying degrees about cost’s,  it must happen now, I know it happens now, I’ve seen it happening now, especially  to those with no elbows…at all.

Finally ,I am Humbled ,most of the time when I walk into our Hospitals, either  for some  appointment, or just visiting the canteen while waiting to be seen you are taken aback by the kindness shown to you, and the new Cancer Centre is a Gem to behold and my thanks goes out to all those and their kindness shown to us all as Patients, for a couple of bad eggs does not make our NHS stink, there is plenty of goodness to make up for most of it’s shortfalls, but we as potential users and users of it must work tirelessly to keep all of it’s principles intact, and fight to end the invading principles about profiting from the sick.

I will vote for you Ed …..IF ?

  • Mr Milliband, I will vote for you, if you, Promise to never talk to Netanyahu, nor allow yourself to be persuaded to Bomb, by proxy, anything that Israel or America  asks you to do, and we can avoid another Iraq.
  • To promise to publish the Chilcott enquiry in full.
  • To promise to try and bring sanctions out against Israel, till she obeys all the UN rules and obeys all international laws, and allows Inspection of her Nuclear facilities, and for her  “war criminals” to answer in the Hague for Human right’s abuses committed since the stetting up of the state of Israel.
  • To start an enquiry into the financial shenanigans of Tony Blair in the Middle East since leaving office.

Well Mr Milliband , I realise that as a life-long Labour voter, that these conditions will not be met, because there is no will in the Labour party for these things anymore,You know Justice, and ending Apartheid states are a thing of the past, as it is with you now I’m watching how the Blairites are over managing you, and substance is another thing that’s lost in the change, you know this thing of the past like the “Iraq war” are still in the minds of people like me and it’s so disheartening to watch those people who took us in to an illegal war and lied and lied time and again, in parliament it was the same lies and lies, so I’m afraid I’m going to do the unselfish thing (because that’s how Democracy has become me me me) and to vote  on my principles about Justice (because I’m loosing money every month from the Tory’s spiteful  bedroom tax, and you said you’d abandon it ) for those with none, and defending the poor from the rich who are getting richer and richer.

You are in no position to change the things that matter, for there are too many Lobbying powers who’s voice will be louder than people like me and people like the Blairites will make sure they get richer as that’s how I see this election, you were once a true Labour person, (or you sounded real Labour) only to be hoodwinked by Mandy,  Blair and Campbell again, and I will never ever vote for that lot who have blood on their hands from the Iraqi war and their dodgy Dossiers full of lies to the British people…shame on you…shame on the Labour Party…shame on the Luvvies who have taken over the labour party again.


I listened to Ed Milliband today on my radio and he is at last getting it right, his tone is not Tony B-liar anymore, (or he’s not sounding like he’s just been coached by him anymore) and that is no good thing, considering all his dodgy middle east messianic sounding twaddle, that will be seen for what it is,(twaddle, that makes more money for him) and coming out during the Election,  can only hurt Labour and ED  where it hurts most.

But it’s really great  hearing that the dreadfully unfair Bedroom Tax will go ,and reminding the electorate of the profiteering going on  in the Health service is a scandal, but it also must be said that they can only be getting this profit by cutting the wage bill of the people who are on the floor , like the nursing staff and the cleaners.

But I think more should be said of just what it is doing to the perception of why the British people are so proud of our NHS, and that  it is there for us all equally , and placing into the minds of the British people the idea that we can look at how we care for our people matters more than in £’s and pence, rather than providing  a great Health Service, Peopled by the funders and  the users of that service… regardless of cost .

Cost must matter, but only in the sense that we get a better service for the money spent, and it mustn’t be at the cost to the value we place on  providing that service… to us all .

The Line must be protected, and we must shout louder about how our NHS is not for sale, at any price, and that profit is a dirty word where our health is concerned, and we must be prouder of that Value, , and place a wide difference between the Labour Party,and the Tory Party, and not be frightened to say Profit is a dirty word, where the NHS is concerned…it is OK to say that Ed…please say it louder.


I have been watching Ed lately and have noticed how he has changed in regards how he performs, and I think he’s had the Blair treatment, for he comes over all Blair-like in how he talks now, but do we want to be reminded of B-liar, and how he fooled us all with his over-managed personality cult thing , and how he surrounded himself with fawning acolytes.

I would prefer the less managed Ed, because to think that you have brought in that team to over-haul your  image for the Election, only reminds me so much of what went wrong , you know the Dancing around individuals who were only there for the power, who think that image is more important than substance, that the sound-bite is all ,that Headlines are the thing, and control freakery is good, and yes greed can be good too’oo, em…sorry about that.

We really should not pander to these people it’s just’  too sore a point , and that point reminds  us all about dodgy dossers, and pressurising people into doing things they did not agree with, should be a thing of the past…surely.
Ed I thought you were better than that, and if I can see it, (an ordinary voter) then other voters will be reminded, as your Tony B-liar personality thing, will be sent up (as it surely will) I am sure that it will come up as the Election frenzy comes to it’s rough and tumble end.

So please stop that hand thing, and the Pinteresque pauses are rather tiring, especially when the B-liar image hit’s the spot in the brain that reminds us of something that stick’s to the bottom of your shoe, like chewing gum or dog-poo, or Mandy.

There is nothing wrong with your Image Ed, please stop this image thing and stick to the “Nasty Party” within the Tory Party, that Cameron can’t control, and what’s  wrong with reminding us of your sense of Decency, that reminding people that everything that was great in Britain was set up by the Labour Party, that the services (that they sold-off for a song) are now far worse, that the Banks are at it again, that the chairmen and women of the top companies, are still finding ways to award themselves massive pay deals, while at the bottom where the workers are suffering and shouldering most, ‘ if not  all, of the supposed  Debt’s repayment’s , and suffer from  “ALL”  the cut’s in the services.

IF they hark on about the Debt, then we should say that we will  ring-fence a small raising of income tax for a while until the debts are paid. then reduced  back once we are in the clear again, I do not believe the figures myself, but if the Tories shout about it too much, then my simple economic suggestion should be brought in, but I still think more of this suffering is mostly suffered by the least likely to manage, than those who could manage more, who are getting a reduction in their taxes.


I’ with a heavy heart,  will demand that you vote, and Vote as what , “You think”, but is it possible to disregard the propaganda during the  election frenzy, or can we ever in  today’s world be sure, that we actually  vote by our  own volition, or that we are not some victim to the ‘overly clever,  who are manipulating  us,  these psychologist’s  that each party turn to at election time, have worked out just what to say in each speech , the politicians are only mouthing words that have been passed to them by a parcel of speech writers.

David Cameron, is certainly not of the Nasty side of the Conservative Party, and I get the feeling he is a Nice Guy and is certainly not a Politician that is only there for what he can get, and I believe he want’s what’s best for the country. But it’s the company he keeps, and he is too decent to be able to control the  bottom feeders within his party, and anything that allows those bottom feeders to get their slimy hands into the captains cabin, (where the navigational tools are kept), must be avoided at all cost’s, or they could steer Britain into a cul de sac,  With their obsession about Blaming Europe for absolutely everything and I think the country knows this,   also  by the way he has caved in to the right wing on too many occasions , especially around Europe.                                                                                       He is particularly susceptible to the Zionist’s within his party, more so in the most recent past he’s allowed himself to make appeasement statements to the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and in the Jewish Chronicle especially around Iran and his escapade in Libya , and nearly again in Syria, shows quite clearly,  that he is not safe enough to be able to stand up to these  war mongering Zionist’s  and their powerful  Lobbying powers, in and around Westminster.

Sadly our politics’ are mimicking America’s , in that the lobbying powers and funders of both parties in America, are so similar, too similar if you ask me, and the reason why is so obvious to be laughable that we call ourselves Democracies, I mean come on, Democracies indeed.

But the charade continues and it’s a game that goes on once every four or five years,Just like the, FIFA World Cup,  the Olympics, followed by the Rugby world cup, followed by an Election ,  we are so controlled now  by the little box in the corner , so that they have our attention, and the advertisers have us where they want, sitting staring at their product’s night after night, and it’s amazing how they have everything in sync, so that you can’t get away from them if you change channels, they make sure you can’t avoid seeing their stuff, No, we are all just the victims of  media companies like Skye, and virgin media, and of course our much too powerful  BT’s  media now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 With the internet,  now running by rules set by the Establishment, where they now have us under more control than ever before, through the mike on our computers, and of course our cameras sitting above  our computers, and if you do not think that our people, (who live in the dark)  don’t already monitor us through our own computers, then you don’t really deserve to live under a true Democracy,  only the one they allow us to have.

I often wonder how very astute people, can be so stupid,  when thinking about our country and how they will believe such drivel about  terrible made up scenarios, that our own people  create,  and is now  in play in country’s, and  these gov’ts…   these terrible governments… are our friends…our media tells us so…who are the goodies?  who are the Baddies,   is put before us every night  with our evening meal,  so we are happy,  believing in our country being the best in the world,  and  we know what’s best for the bloody lot of them,   that’s the Tally Ho  attitude they use on us ; Sadly we believe it,  hook line and sinker.

So who to vote for ?…well I don’t know, but I will give my opinion, and hope that I ‘  in my own way, may give a different viewpoint than what is coming out from our establishment media;( who may still think they are independent) but the ones that may think they are independent are fooling themselves into this belief by the clever Editors who know what the establishment and the media barons want,  after all…who hired them in the first place.

I mean the language that they come out with has become so respectful to those who are chosen for office, and there are so many filters in place ,that when a journalist has  a good story, it must first pass the editor who rings the owner who decides what is best politically and decides on  state of play in the machinations in the political establishment  at that time, on whether it comes out or goes in a safe.

Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw are classic examples, because before this story hit the headlines it was planned from the beginning ,I would think someone wanted rid of them ,and  used these journalist’s like bullet’s , and the cheek of them , I mean Jack Straw wanted £5000 , that’s five thousand pounds a day ,and Rifkind can’t live  on £60,000, Now come on, isn’t about time, that we and they were told, that they are thieves , I mean, for Christ’s sake, they acted no better than so many people in prison for fraud, they used their office of gov’t to finance a lifestyle that is de riguer, (well they seem to think it is)  for when you are given offices of gov’t, and who decides if they have committed a crime, or the term they use,” let themselves down”, because it is the same people who decide  what rules, if any,  were broken.

Not’…that,… they were at it.. and have been caught’ at it. No’  it will only Be’  they let themselves and the House down, and they will be given more money to go and hide from the media, and this Media will leave it at that,  WHY?  if it was the rest of us, we’d be punished and face prosecution for corruption in office, but these people, police themselves, and award themselves a load of money to cover their cost’s of loosing office…loosing office…indeed.

Trouble is “What the Hell can we do”, and the answer to that is, absolutely nothing, for the system is corrupt, and it is just a gravy train for those who can get on to it, so is it a wonder that so many people avoid voting.


I, like every day,  switch on my radio  and listen to the day’s news…Lo and behold…it’s Holocaust day, and it’s prominent in every other news piece that the BBC run today, but the BBC  do not need an excuse to run a story that mentions anything Jewish or Holocaust, it  seems, these days,that it is a second Jewish chronicle, and I particularly like the ludicrous 95% of racist attacks were against Jew’s, and that the Jewish people 75% of them did not feel safe in Britain today, and in another story 25% felt like moving to Israel. Well I bet a hell of a lot of Jewish people were cringing, at these ridiculous stories, for these Zionist’s among the British,  do the Jewish people no favours,  by jumping up and down, all the time, shouting Anti-Semitic to and at anyone who does not bend their knee to their  “special status” that they think they deserve, but I suspect that most people   who  call themselves Jewish,  just want to be the same as anyone else in the UK . But  these Zionist’s and their propaganda, and just about everything they see in their belly button, is just fluff, and it only trivialized real racism against them, and  just makes other communities who face real racism day in and day out,  in todays Media, coming at them from all angles,  and some feel antagonistic at the amount of coverage coming out, where any other suffering  going on is second to, what happened against  Jewish people, and are still suffering ya da, da, da da,  and they feel. left out, and that their suffering is not being heard fairly, especially from our BBC, ( where once the propaganda was kept to a minimum), after all the Jews,  they were given a state, to the cost of the whole world, and year on year the cost’s of keeping this’ “mostly illegal”  state going, is costing so much suffering in today’s society , that emanates  from that stupid mistake, (  more so on to the Palestinians) but has caused such a cost to so many people who have died around the world.                                                                                                                       Worse still, they have Nuclear weapons that they hold at our throats, and threaten us every time we try to alleviate the suffering heaped on to the Palestinians,  even worse still, every time a peace deal is near, they go on to steal more land even as the ink is still drying they are paying families by handing over Palestinian land to Rabid Rabbi’s and their followers called settlers.                                                                                                                                                     But I must add that there was one piece on the BBC that castigated these ludicrous figures( coming out from Zionist institutions)  later in the day it was dealt  a death-blow from a program that deals in figures and percentages , but why were these stories given air-time on the BBC in the first place, and I’m sure were picked up all over the world by the many Zionist publishing media companies, and because the BBC’s name is mentioned it gives the story leg’s, legs that it would maybe never have had. So am I  allowed to write this, For in my Blog, anything I may write  or maybe that it is that I might not  be Jumping up and down enough to the Zionist tune, by that I mean, I may not be agree with certain  propaganda and invented stories to keep us weeping, then woe-betide,  if you do not  take… “THE  HOLOCAUST” at face value… or the “Holocaust’s”  name in vain, then you risk your life  and put yourself at risk of having your computer hacked and damaged, and if… “God forbid” you are called ,wait for it…a denier…then you risk prison. I do not question anything that the history books tells us to,  My sympathies go out to any  people whohave had their family picked out and sent to a camp, just because they were Jewish,  Gypsy, Palestinian, Black south Africans, or the disabled.                          I would have a day set aside  for all people’s who have suffered, and for  those that are still suffering, I would have no problem with that,  also why is there no  mention of  the 11 million people who died at the hands of Stalin,  sadly there are many, many people still suffering today , like say’ the Thalidomide people who live their lives daily suffering from a horrendous drug that some German company said was safe, But the BBC do not give a decent coverage to their suffering, (you see “They” do not have clout) or to my own people, who are Gypsy, who suffer in silence, because some people live off sympathy and in America, there are “Professional Survivors” who go from studio to studio picking up fees for every interview, in fact there are a few that’s been debunked, where they have been found out that their stories are made up and change from interview to interview, I will try to add a link at the bottom, (I’m not very good with these things so I might fail as computers are my Achilles-heel ). Hope I’ve got it right….

So why are we bombarded about one people s suffering, (over many who suffer today) by the BBC, yet’ do little to mention the other suffering of so many other people’s around the world,                                         So I ask you, should not we have a day for all victims an , “ALL VICTIMS SURVIVAL DAY”.   It won’t happen      I’ll tell you why? people are frightened by the  bullying media, as they pick on one group, to demonize and  besmirch them and by  their language make out that all Muslims are to be mistrusted  ( not just the extremist’s) or their  religion,  and their ways are attacked daily  by the tabloid’s , thing’s  like the burqa, etc’etc, if it’s done in and by the supposed Liberal media, then it’s ok, to accuse them of treating their women badly… and on it goes to other crimes like bedding our young girls and it all adds up to a witch-hunt. But I ask you,  is not how the Rabid Rabbi’s  talk , and their use of  extremist language, language, that if it was translated into English,(not by the translator who the Jewish chronicle used, to translate Iran’s language, and was nearly used as an excuse to start WW III),                     But if the media were fair, then they would equally publish a translation of the Language coming out of Israel, by the “Rabid Rabbi’s” if it were translated properly and honestly, then  it would show the world  just why the Palestinians fled their homes and are now, after 60 odd years, still in refugee camps. The kind of Language used by these “Rabid Rabbi’s” and their party slogans in Israel, that feed Netanyahu and his power base , the  very same language that elected him and keeps  him in power. So we need not worry about the past , well not as much as what is happening today, so many refugees in camps huddled masses of crying children that are living in freezing conditions, that fled these Media-led  wars  like Libya and now Syria, and then go silent once the bombs are falling.                                     So that’s what we should be worrying about the most,  and there is where we should place our sympathy and where it may do the most good, and to the still struggling  people and the many surviving from being  tortured,  and tortured by the very society that our media represent.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Most of the people who are survivors in today’s society do so in a silence that deafen us all by their resilience, and I suspect do not want their tortured state used to  cause more harm, and lead to further torture on other people.           Surviving victims who live in today’s world,  need the support far more, for they do not have vast amounts of wealth, and are never heard by the BBC or other mainstream media,  if they are heard, it’s because those in power are manipulating the headlines , and not because it is right and proper, No’  these Zionist  media Barons, that the politicians are in fear off, are calling the tune now, almost completely, and the evidence for this statement,…simple… look at the BBC now… and how it can not now be relied on to do the right thing, No’ the BBC are now almost as bad, for too many in the BBC are in fear of the American Media and AIPAC’… lobbying powers… that are the same lot ,who now dictate too much of our policies,   here in the UK also. My even talking about this will bring down its own wrath from some, as the Term, Anti-Semitic  is used as a tool by the bullies at the Jewish Chronicle, or worse still, the board of The British Jews, to silence, or place fear into you, and the Cowardly BBC has caved into this kind of fear, and so it leads with anything that the Jewish Chronicle tells it to say , almost as much as what our foreign policy dictates. So will I lose my head…. well as I don’t hate anyone…. and certainly not any Jewish people,  we still have many, many,  decent Jewish people…. that could not care less, as they are first and foremost  Human Being’s, as am I ,and it’s wrong and silly that I have to add these caveats to avoid these bullies, who only want to silence any criticism of Israel, and as I said…. decent Jewish people will know the difference. For there are many things unsaid, un-talked about and it is sheer madness that there are truth’s that we must avoid under any circumstances, well I’m sorry it’s a free country and as long as you are not abusive for abusive sake, then there should be nothing that is,’ beyond the pale . There are many things that we must all care about,  but I’m talking about the way our media serves only, some of our people, all of the time, and many that they should serve, that they don’t, for example the celebrity culture that is forced on all of the people, all of the time, and it has become so incestuous that when (like now) we should be debating and talking about a multitude of problems that this government  is responsible for, like say Libya, like say the Chicott enquiry, like say the privatised industries, that have ended up like monopolies , Oh there are many little gas and electric companies , but I think you will find that (just like the oligarchs in Russia) most of our privatised industry’s are in the hands of a few, who now own most the shares( through proxies), and if you own shares say in all the companies, you get together with like-minded characters, then you can manipulate the market’s and if we were to, look properly into these companies, and were to scrutinise the names, (that the BBC should be doing) then I’m sure there are many things going on,(that are not proper) or why would  so many people be complaining when they try to move and  prices inevitably go up again,  after you are locked into a contract that makes moving almost impossible, once you read all the small-print.                                                                                                                                                                                                             In Russia,  most of Russian resources (that were privatised) are now in the hands of  (mostly Jewish Oligarchs) a small clique, who are mostly living in London ,  with their ill-gotten gains   sanctuary given to them and their loot  out of the kindness of our hearts. So why is there not a shift in public opinion to re-nationalise the industries, that were stolen from the British people, well I’ll tell you why , it’s because the media are not reporting on all that is proper , for the public to know, how companies get (so much  more money now) from the gov’t to keep those industries running, because the country as a whole can not do without them , so these directors and shareholders of these companies award themselves barrow-loads of the profits (profits that should go on investment for the good of the country) and still  they get away with the same old bullshit, the same bullshit , that they attacked the Unions for, and used it to steal, sorry privatize the industries. Now why are  these points not raised in our media, these hypocrisies ,around why they privatised these industries and whose profits are disappearing into the pockets of  “WHO” and just who owns these industries now’ or more importantly, where does the profits go, I mean, why don’t we the public  have the right to know , we do , but it is very complicated wading through all the paperwork in, company house,  we once could rely on the BBC or some other media outlet’s, to look into the result’s of these very important political policies, that have had such a wide effect (most would say detrimental) on our communities. But so little oversight now                                                  Well I think it’s time we had a really good assessment as to the benefit of these policies,  Just to who it was that got the benefits, I mean, couldn’t we have some  Media company  make a program asking just, “Who” are these people who are now living off these benefits, we could run it after , Benefits street. But our media never ask these questions, because at the top of our society they dine out with each other, and these people are only interested in keeping  up the propaganda , and demonizing anyone who do not fall in with the Big Lie. .


Jeeze’ but it is a good day, something to behold, Politicians actually  listening to it’s people and voting (and standing up to such financial pressure, from the Zionist and  Jewish Lobbying powers) to send a real message to Israel and the “war criminal “NETANYAHU” and his equally guilty  cabinet“… Israel! … Palestine is a fact… live with it  and “Get Out Of It”

I know it’s just a little victory, but the Palestinian people need to hear that we in the UK at least,  are trying to do what cowardly politicians in America wont do , and that is sending a real message to Israel.

I know Palestinian people get little victories and usually can only expect to hear platitudes from Western Politicians, but now’ at least, can know that on the streets of London we can deliver small victories to them and give them some hope that the Zionist’s don’t win all the time. and for myself that all the marching on the streets can pay off.

That said’  it is up to the American people to further this campaign, by doing what  “we the people” did  by marching and pestering the hell out of the political elite, and make them listen to the injustices heaped on to the Palestinians year on year decade after decade, and make it so difficult for AIPAC,’ BECAUSE ACTUAL PEOPLE PRESSURE CAN MAKE THOSE WEESELY POLITICIANS DO WHAT WE ELECT THEM TO DO.

Well Done Jeremy out with the old and in with the new. Crt

I believe that now that Jeremy Corbyn has the members backing “again”, that this Westminster Bubble must be burst, and these  “suitcase placemen and women…rooted out.                                                                                                                                                Politicians who were drafted in by the back door, due to Blair and Brown pandering to the Media owners, whose agenda’s only come from on high, on high being the powerful groups behind the throne, you know’ those that select the politicians and set the agenda and who will do their bidding once in office

I say let’s also stop worrying about some lobbying and manufactured Headlines that only come from those who have wrested control away from the ordinary person on the street, and who have been lied to and manipulated  by these slick-willy characters and the B-liars, who bow to the Murdoch’s first and foremost, and who fear  too much about ending up in Murdoch’s stock’s, rather than facing the ordinary voter, because that’s where the answers are in how the Labour Party marches back to power.


I am left with such a bad taste in my mouth after parting with my membership fee to the Labour Party, which I thought would allow me a vote in the leadership election, not a bit of it,  Because I then found out that I would have to part with another fee of £25.

Now correct me if I’m wrong , is not the principle in the labour party to allow everyone to be seen as equals, regardless of what they have in their bank account, because this extortion of £25 from members is unfair, because it may well preclude so many of the people it says it represents or profess to represent, for the unwaged and so many of us living on benefits of one sort or another,  maybe do not have £25 to their name, let alone a spare £25 .

My anger at being fleeced by people who no more understand the people it is supposed to represent, because by this action, prove that they have more in common with those people who have just sold BHS for a pound, what was his name ?, ah yes , ” Sir’ Philip Green” who then justified it by saying it was allowed, because he could under the rules and I’m sure many of us have been stung by similar practices, of paying for something only to be told that you must buy something else to be able to use the product; these practices are well-known  in the business world where the same type of characters do this time and again.

Well we have them in spades at the top of the Labour Party after all they were appointed by characters who knew a thing or two about shady practices .


I joined the Labour Party again

I am now renewing my  Membership of the Labour Party after many years of being in the doldrums politically, due to the way the Labour Party has developed over the years into just another part of the establishment, and living in fear to the  media Barons, so much so that I stopped voting,  because the difference between the Tories and “New Labour”, regarding policies,  that were no different .

But I believe that Jeremy Corbyn  will ignite the Labour vote, especially with the young voter , because after “Tony Blair” started a war illegally, and that was after so many  ordinary Labour voters  marched in London begging him to not start that war, especially as it was illegal and morally wrong to do so.                                                                                            But our voices were ignored and his arrogance has led to the Labour Party going into the doldrums, and respect for the Labour Party was in tatters, and you only need to look at the country that gave birth to the Labour Party, (Scotland) to see and hear just what was and is wrong with the stupidly named “New Labour Party” that resides only in the bubble in London, made in London but ignored by the “Real Labour Party and real Labour voters in the rest of the UK but especially the Labour voters in Scotland.

But those politicians that followed him  were his lemmings, but sadly these  lemmings were left behind and they are now causing so much problems for the Leader of the present day Labour Party  and I hope Jeremy Corbyn does not give in to their whining because Blair is still in the background stirring the pot.

Please Jeremy do not give in to their whining …or I will again become an absent voter.

Tony B-liar’s Poodles Kicking Jeremy

It’s a crying shame what these people in the Labour Party are trying to do to Jeremy Corbyn.

These people ,  Tony B-liars dogs, are whispering in the ears of  Murdoch’s Hack’s,  and are doing no end of damage to the Labour Party.

The problem is that Jeremy makes it so  easy for them, after all that’s why the B-liar brought them into his pack for, to feed the press their diet of juicy stories and they know nothing else, other than gossiping about one another, and keeping the office clean.

So  Jeremy Corbyn must get them out, or get them working for him, and the real Labour Party. But are they up to it ?, or are they just too loyal to the last Leader ?  But it just might be, that the skills they have, are of no real value to someone who cares about the Labour Party as much as Jeremy Corbyn does, most of them are Hyenas, and hunted in their own pack , and most of them contributed too much to the Pink pound , with Mandelson as their other leader, so are possibly,  just not up to working with the working man of the real Labour Party.

But let’s face it, the media have been given their ever so obvious remit,  because Jeremy Corbyn  is certainly no friend of the AIPAC Lobbying types, who hung out so easily with Mandelson’s coterie in the dark clubs around Westminster, so  Jeremy must clean house and quick .


Our Chickens are Coming Home.

A View From London

`I Hate to say anything that may hurt the feelings of those who have lost loved ones, but it may be what is needed, for those that think that the pain that the French are going through, was not avoidable, are living in cloud cuckoo-land.

It does not take a genius to work out, where all this jumping up and down get’s us, it get’s us nothing but more pain, and those that jump the highest and speak in foghorn language, are never ever near the bullet’s or the bomb’s, they are only ever as near to the manufacturing of them as can be, and the worst of them are responsible for the making of them and the ordering of them.

So let us not listen to them, switch off the BBC and the CNN so we can mourn the failure of our political process, and learn to point the finger with more…

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